EGSC StatutesStaff Council 

Approved by President’s Cabinet June 5, 2017 
Approved by Faculty Senate June 16, 2017 
Approved by the President July 21, 2017 

Staff Council 

The Staff Council, in addition to any action taken at Staff Council meetings, shall carry on its business through a structure of Standing Committees. The committees shall make recommendations to the Staff Council. Upon adoption by the Staff Council, the action of the Staff Council is advisory to the President of the College. 

The Standing Committees of the Staff Council are as follows: 

1. EGSC Spirit Committee 

2. Sunshine Fund Committee 

3. Special Events Committee 

4. Committee on Elections 

The purposes, functions and memberships of these committees shall be as described in the Staff Council Bylaws. 

The Staff Council may create additional ad hoc committees as necessary to carry out its purpose.

Staff Council 
East Georgia State College


I. Name 

II. Mission 

III. Organization and Membership 

IV. Officers 

V. Procedures 

VI. Committees 

VII. Amending Bylaws

Article I. Name

The name of this council will be the Staff Council of East Georgia State College. 

Article II. Mission 

A. Mission 

Subject to the laws of the State of Georgia, the regulations of the Board of Regents, and the Statutes of East Georgia State College, the Staff Council shall function in an advisory capacity directly to the President of the College, as the official representative of the Staff in regard to all matters of importance to the Staff and the welfare of the college or any other matters which the President brings before it. 

B. Purpose 

The purpose of the Staff Council is to be a collective voice for those who work in non-faculty employee roles. The Staff Council is dedicated to providing service and fostering effective communication within the institution. 

C. Duties 

In keeping with the mission of East Georgia State College, the duties of the Staff Council will include, but not be limited to, the following: 

1. To represent and advocate the concerns of the Staff; 

2. To maintain communication between the Staff and the college administration; 

3. To make recommendations to the President as to the development, welfare, and morale of the Staff; 

4. To conduct research and review on matters of importance to the Staff and the general welfare of the College, including forming and charging committees; 

5. To maintain communication with Faculty Senate, Academic Affairs, and the President’s Cabinet; 

6. To foster a cooperative spirit within College governance.

Article III. Organization and Membership

A. Members 

The Staff Council should be comprised of 15 voting members. Each department (as defined in Article III, Section G of the Staff Council Bylaws) shall select representatives to the Staff Council. 

B. Eligibility 

East Georgia State College Staff shall be defined as all persons employed in full-time non-faculty positions at the college not serving on the President’s Cabinet. 

C. Terms of Office 

The Committee on Elections will call for new membership each year via email in May to all Department Directors and Staff members. Any Staff member as defined in Article III, Section B of the Staff Council Bylaws is eligible to apply for departmental membership. Representatives shall be elected in June and begin serving in July. If no new Staff are willing to serve for a department, the original Staff member may continue to serve. 

D. Vacancies 

Staff Council vacancies will be filled by working in conjunction with the Department Director. Nominations and replacements must be made within 60 days. 

E. Duties of Voting Members 

1. Members will disseminate information from Staff Council meetings to the fellow Staff in their division. 

2. Members will attend each Staff Council meeting. If the member is unable to attend he/she is responsible for requesting updates and may send an alternative representative to the Staff Council in his/her place. If a member is unable to attend a meeting they will give the Chair forty-eight (48) hours notice. 

3. Members will vote on items before the Staff Council. 

4. Members-elect must attend the June meeting of the Staff Council, where they will vote to elect officers for the following year. 

F. Any campus Staff employee can request to attend a Staff Council meeting.

G. Representatives shall be elected from each of the following departments on campus 

Academic Affairs:
Institutional Research and Planning, School of Humanities, School of Math and Science, School of Social Science, Counseling and Accessibility Services, AAMI, Library, Academic Center for Excellence, and Academic Advising.
Augusta Location: 1
Business Affairs:
Accounting Services, Auxiliary Services, Human Resources, and Business Operations
(1 from Human Resources)
Institutional Advancement:
Marketing and Community Relations, Public Information, and the Sudie A. Fulford Community Learning Center
Information Technology: 1
Plant Operations/ Facilities: 1
President's Office:
Auditor, Event Planning, Athletics, Public Safety, Legal Affairs, and President's Office Staff
Statesboro Location: 1
Student Affairs:
CHOICE, Housing, PE Complex, Student Conduct, Student Life, Military Resource Center, Enrollment Management, Admissions, Financial Aid, Registrar, and Scanning and Indexing


Article IV. Officers

The Staff Council Officers shall consist of Chair, Vice-Chair, Secretary, and Treasurer. 

A. Officer Duties: 

1. Chair 

a. Preside at all meetings of the Staff council. 

b. Develop the agenda for each meeting. 

c. Work with the Staff Council Secretary to publicize meetings to the campus. 

d. Ensure that Staff Council meetings are included on the college calendar. 

e. Appoint and discharge ad hoc committees as needed. 

f. Confer with and report regularly to the College President. 

g. Work with the College President to call special meetings as needed. 

h. Uphold the Bylaws of the Staff Council. 

2. Vice-Chair 

a. Assume the duties of the Chair in his/her absence. 

b. Assist the Chair in performing leadership responsibilities. 

3. Secretary 

a. Record minutes of each Staff Council meeting. 

b. Post approved minutes to the webpage. 

c. Maintain roster of attendance at meetings. 

4. Treasurer 

a. Report account balances at each meeting. 

b. Disburse funds allocated for the conduct of the Staff Council business. 

B. Elections 

The officers shall be nominated at the meeting in June, and elections will be held every year by a majority vote of Staff Council members with new officers seated immediately upon the start of the next business year. The Staff Council year shall coincide with the East Georgia State College fiscal year and will run from July 1 through June 30. All departmental members as defined above are eligible for election. The candidate receiving the most votes will be considered the elected officer.

Article V. Procedures 

A. Quarterly Meetings 

The Staff Council shall meet quarterly, the third Friday of the month, in the months of December, March, June and September at 2 P.M., at a place designated by the Chair with arrangements made for each campus. Special meetings shall be held at the discretion of the Chair, with two (2) days’ notice where applicable. 

B. Agenda 

The order of business for regular meetings shall be set forth in the agenda by the Chair. The order of business may be altered. The order of business shall include: 

1. Call to order 

2. Approval of previous meeting’s minutes 

3. Committee Reports 

4. Old Business 

5. New Business 

6. Announcements 

7. Adjournment 

Any requests for additional agenda items need to be presented in writing at least three (3) working days prior to the meeting. 

C. Voting and Motions 

Only elected voting members are eligible to vote. Voting members may submit their vote by proxy to the Secretary via email if they are unable to attend the meeting where the vote is taken. Voting and motions shall be done by majority vote of all members present. 

D. Reporting 

Recommendations made by the Staff Council regarding matters within its responsibilities shall be delivered directly to the College President or his or her designee for his or her consideration. The College President and the Staff Council Chair shall develop a mutually agreeable timetable for a response based upon reasonableness and good faith.

Article VI. Committees 

The Staff Council, in addition to any action taken at Staff Council meetings, shall carry on its business through a structure of Standing Committees. The Staff Council may create additional ad hoc committees as necessary to carry out its purpose. The committees shall make recommendations to the Staff Council. Upon adoption by the Staff Council, the action of the Staff Council is advisory to the President of the College. 

A. EGSC Spirit Committee 

The EGSC Spirit Committee shall consist of a chair and a minimum of two additional members or staff employees and shall be either volunteers or appointed by the Chair each year. The purpose of the committee is to sponsor events and activities that encourage amiability and openness between all EGSC employees. Example: Secret Pals and Jingle Bell Bingo. 

B. Sunshine Fund Committee 

The Sunshine Fund Committee shall consist of a chair and a minimum of two additional members or staff employees and shall be either volunteers or appointed by the Chair each year. The Sunshine Fund is an effort to remember EGSC employees and their families during a time of need. The Sunshine Fund is in lieu of a collection envelope circulated to collection money, unless individual departments wish to provide for circumstances not covered by the Sunshine Fund. 

C. Special Events Committee 

The Special Events Committee shall consist of a chair and a minimum of two additional members or staff employees and shall be either volunteers or appointed by the Chair each year. The committee shall be responsible for organizing and coordinating with Event Planning, Human Resources, and other appropriate departments to ensure events such as appreciations breakfasts and holiday luncheons are arranged. 

D. Committee on Elections 

The Committee on Elections shall consist of a chair and a minimum of two additional members and shall be either volunteers or appointed by the Chair in April of each year. The Committee on Elections shall assist with elections in the designated units each June. The Chair and members of the Elections Committee shall be elected members of the Council. 

E. Other committees shall be appointed as needed

Article VII. Amending Bylaws 

Proposed amendments to the Bylaws must be submitted to the Staff Council through a representative at least one (1) week prior to the meeting at which the proposed amendment is to be introduced. These bylaws may be amended by a majority vote of the Staff Council. Any proposed amendments will be distributed to members, at least ten (10) business days prior to the Staff Council vote. Amendments approved shall then be submitted to the President of East Georgia State College for approval.